As with any risky venture, there are no guarantees that you’ll earn the returns you’re aiming for, or even recover your stake. This leads us to why we so strongly favor evidence-based investing. So what does evidence-based investing entail?
In part one, we discussed why lump-sum investing is generally expected to generate the highest returns over time. In markets that have risen more, and ...
With all the excitement over stocks and bonds, and their ups and downs in headline news, there is a key concept often overlooked: Market returns are ...
Like a bucking bronco, near-term market returns are characterized more by periods of wild volatility than by a steady-as-she-goes trot. Diversification helps ...
Before we even have words to describe it, most of us learn about life’s general risks when we tumble into the coffee table or reach for that pretty cat’s tail. Investment risks aren’t as straightforward.
Among your most important financial friends is diversification. After all, what other single action can you take to simultaneously dampen your exposure ...
In his Berkshire Hathaway 2017 Shareholders Letter, Warren Buffett described his take on investment “experts” when he wrote: “Performance comes, performance goes. Fees never falter.” Instead, Buffett suggests, “Seizing the opportunities ...
There is a lot to think about when planning for retirement. While we have a degree of control over many of the choices involved, there’s one big wild card called sequence risk.
What causes market prices to change? It begins with the never-ending stream of news informing us of the good, bad, and ugly events that are forever taking place.