Blog categorized as Financial Planning

Prioritizing Savings and Investments When You Have Excess Income

07/06/2020 11:08 AM By Mike Halper, CFP®, MPAS®, SE-AWMA®, CDAA, CBDA - Comment(s)
Prioritizing Savings and Investments When You Have Excess Income
If you are in a situation where you spend less money than you bring in every month, you may be wondering what is the best thing to do with the excess cash. With numerous account types and even more investment options, how do you find the most optimal way to invest and save?

What Should You Do If You Lose Your Job?

06/28/2020 11:03 AM By Mike Halper, CFP®, MPAS®, SE-AWMA®, CDAA, CBDA - Comment(s)
What Should You Do If You Lose Your Job?
There will be high unemployment for the foreseeable future. Companies have initiated hiring freezes and layoffs. Based on the current economy and outlook, there’s a high probability that you, a family member, or a friend have experienced a recent loss of employment or will in the near future.
